Friday, September 14, 2007

Da' Beesh!

I took my children to the beach today, and we were treated to a lovely site on our "adventure" today at the beach. A storm was coming in and it was just amazing. We played in the water, and just had a blast before the storm "got us". "S" absolutely loved water. He would have jumped in wholeheartedly and was absolutely unafraid of the waves. I had to hold his hand the entire time because they were pretty strong. He was fascinated by the sea gulls, but at the same time was quite afraid of them. He gave them a wide berth, even in the parking lot of the fancy restaurant the kids chose. (Burger King) LOL I told him they would leave him alone if he gave them his french fries. He said no. He even took a picture of his friends, the scary sea gulls. I am going to crop it and print it out so he can carry it with him to show at school.
"M" was SO excited, but didn't know what to think of the sand in her diaper, and she really was unsure of walking in it. She got used to it, but had to stay with me because the waves were way too strong. So I was holding ones hand, and the other was attached to my hip like a creeper. LOL She LOVED playing in the sand though. Now that was rock and roll to her. She also liked poking her brother with a green shovel...but whatever. He deserved it as mean as he was to her on the ride down. LOL God I love those kids. I am SO blessed to have them and my wonderful husband.

Anyway, no bitter coffee today. Heard from my husband and life is good for yet another 24 hours.
And yes, I took that awesome picture today! :D

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